While it is not commonly known … Wakes (especially Irish Wakes) are much more dangerous than Tides (especially Alabama Tides)! The height of a wave is called its amplitude and the distance between the crest of the waves is called its frequency! Tides can produce waves with high amplitude but are relatively slow moving (less than 10 miles per hour) as a result, their frequency is low and thus they pose little, to no threat, to those who come into contact with them! Wakes are another matter! They will travel at the speed of the the event that created them and therefore, they can and often do, have rapid Frequencies and often couple this furrocious speed with high Amplitude ….. a force that is both Large & Quick … a deadly combination!
So what happens if a Wake is heading south and the Tide is heading north? While the Tide’s Amplitude is up to the task… its Frequency is quickly neutralized, dissipated, & disintegrated, as the Wake’s crest crashes into the Tide in rapid succession. The Wake pounds the withering Tide, hammering at it …. at the peek of its crest …. where the Wake’s destructive surges exert their greatest force! Like a fighter, who pummels his opponent with several, fast, well-placed and devastating punches …the Tide reels …. not rolls …. into oblivion!
To further heighten the power of the Wake, unlike the Tide, it can integrate other Wake’s power into the fold and move seamlessly at its intended target! The only real chance a Tide has to successfully navigate a Wake …. is to turn tail and ride the power of the Wake! Who knows, an Alabama Tide, by acting rationally and riding the force of this Irish Wake’s assault …. may end up in Dublin, with a Leprechaun for a friend, a healthy supply of Jameson, and a Pot of Gold for chump change!
Wait … I think I’ll go with the Tide … to ensure they arrive safely & proper distribution of the Jameson …. once they reach the Emerald Isle!!!